How Long Do Ducts Last? An Expert's Guide to Longevity

When it comes to the longevity of your home's ductwork, you should expect it to last an average of 10-15 years before any major problems arise. Learn more about how long do ducts last with this expert guide.

How Long Do Ducts Last? An Expert's Guide to Longevity

When it comes to the longevity of your home's ductwork, you can expect it to last an average of 10 to 15 years before any major issues arise. However, depending on the materials, workmanship and maintenance, residential ductwork can last anywhere from 25 to 70 years, with an average of 45 years.

Flexible ducts

, for example, will have a shorter lifespan than hard ducts. The functional lifespan of a flexible duct system is typically between 10 and 25 years, with most manufacturers guaranteeing their products for about 10 years. Leaks in return air ducts can draw unwanted air from a mezzanine or attic into the system, while uninsulated metal ducts can rust due to condensation that forms on the metal during the summer air conditioning season.

If any of the duct pressures exceed that pressure, the duct resistance is excessive and air flow performance needs to be improved. In most areas of the country, approximately four out of 10 homes have flexible duct systems that have exceeded their lifespan and need to be repaired or replaced. If you've been living in your home for a while and your ductwork has never been serviced, it's time to call in a professional. A technician specialized in air conditioning systems will determine if you would benefit more from a repair or a complete replacement of the air ducts and will recommend an expert to you in this regard. Your evaluation of each duct system will confirm if it is in good working order or if it needs an upgrade or replacement.

How Long Do Ducts Last? An Expert's Guide

When it comes to the longevity of your home's ductwork, you should expect it to last an average of 10 to 15 years before any major problems arise.

However, depending on the materials used, workmanship and maintenance, residential ductwork can last anywhere from 25 to 70 years, with an average of 45 years.

Flexible ducts

, for instance, will have a shorter lifespan than hard ducts. The functional lifespan of a flexible duct system is usually between 10 and 25 years, with most manufacturers guaranteeing their products for about 10 years. Leaks in return air ducts can draw unwanted air from a mezzanine or attic into the system, while uninsulated metal ducts can rust due to condensation that forms on the metal during the summer air conditioning season. In most areas of the country, approximately four out of 10 homes have flexible duct systems that have exceeded their lifespan and need to be repaired or replaced.

What Should You Do If Your Ductwork Needs Repair or Replacement?

If you've been living in your home for a while and your ductwork has never been serviced, it's time to call in a professional.

Your evaluation of each duct system will confirm if it is in good working order or if it needs an upgrade or replacement.


The longevity of your home's ductwork depends on several factors such as materials used, workmanship and maintenance. Flexible duct systems typically have a shorter lifespan than hard ducts and should be serviced regularly by an expert technician. If you suspect that your home's ductwork needs repair or replacement, don't hesitate to call in a professional who can evaluate each system and recommend an appropriate solution.